Unfortunately we do not have any videos to share with you but we do have these wonderful photos of us before we went on stage to perform our 'Solar System Song'. We all did exceptionally well and Miss. Tafa is very proud of us all. Special thanks to Whaea. Alofa for doing a great job with our face paint. Fa'afetai tele lava.
Earth - Kalama, Mars - Ortymestorm and Jupiter - Lawrence
Our Solar System - Room 3
The moon - Joseph, Star - Jonny, Jupiter - Lawrence and Uranus - Paige
Here is the video to the 'Solar System' song.
Room 3 enjoyed sharing our pasefika colours during mufti day. Can you guess where we come from?
Malaki, Limafitu, Ortymestorm, Kalama and Divine strutting their stuff.
Check us out!
Ortymestorm and Limafitu representing Tahiti and Samoa